Thursday, 10 February 2011

Springs around the corner...

With the though of Spring just around the corner, I got think back to last spring and some of my favourite moments... I hope you like this shot...


Thanks Lee Harrison...

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Time Lapse 7... Self Completing Jigsaw...

I decided to sit down last night and do a jigsaw it the other half with watching a film, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to make another time lapse video and for an opportunistic video I'm very happy with the way it came out... I hope that you like it to....

Thanks Lee Harrison

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Car Trails...

Another shot from last night’s session, I hope that you like it...


Thanks Lee Harrison...

Monday, 7 February 2011

Light leading the way...

I decided to have another night out last night, doing a bit more night photography, this is my first attempt at photographing car trails, so I'm quite please with the results, I would of like to be above the road but I had to make to with a road side shot.... I hope that you all like it...


Thanks Lee Harrison...

Sunday, 6 February 2011

A New Love...

I must apologise for all the gull picture that I have posted up recently but I've had so much fun photographing them, I keep going back... I hope that you like them and I'm not boring you....


Thanks Lee Harrison

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Little Change...

Over my last few photography sessions, I have been concentrating on the Black Headed Gulls as they are the most abundant and easy to snap, so this time when I went down decided to concentrate on a few of the others feeding down there...


Thanks Lee Harrison...

Friday, 4 February 2011

Time Lapse 5, Salt and Pepper Playing Together...

Sat down at the table last night wondering what the next animation I could do was and started to play with our salt and pepper shakers so I decided to have a play around with them and see what happened, I also put some music to the video for the first time hope that you like it... I hope that you like it...

Thanks Lee Harrison...

Thursday, 3 February 2011

with another day of sun I decided to go down to the docks and take a few more shots, I'm realy enjoying photographing gulls at the moment...


Thanks Lee Harrison

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Bit to bright for Britain...

Went out last week to see the Ring-necked Parakeets that had taken up residence in Lytham cemetery, it was a bit foggy but I have never seen these birds before and was quite strange to see them in the wild but equally wonderful... 8 were present today but there have been up to 11....


Thanks Lee Harrison...

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

A close call...

While out in southport this weekend, I saw this perched Kestrel, slowly making my way towards , it got spooked and flew straight in front of an on coming car... it was very close, I am very happy with this picture and I would go as far to say it is my fav. that I have taken upto date, although I am lucky that the bird flew towards me, they usually fly off in the opposite direction and out of sight... I hope that you like it...


thanks for looking at my blog, please feel free to become a follower by clicking the link to the right of the page, or please take a look at my Flickr page

Thanks Lee Harrison...