Sunday 18 July 2010

Dark Side Of The Bird...

This shot was taken today while I was walking around Mere Sands Wood with my mum and dad,

The technical information of how I took this photograph;
Lens: sigma 18-200 @ 200mm, Aperture: F.6.3, Shutter Speed 1/160. ISO: 800,
I had to drop my aperture to F.6.3 rather than my usual F.8 and shutter speed down to 1/160 to achieve the right lighting.

After I had taken the picture, I upped the shadow to in Picasa to increase the darkness of the dark side of the bird, this bird was sat under a over hanging tree and only half of it was catching the light and then I added a black graduated boarded to give the branch the effect that it fades in from the edge;

I hope that you like my picture,

Thanks Lee Harrison, Happy Days and Happy Snapping.

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