My original picture was an impromptu shot; I was just playing around with close focusing,
The technical information of how I took this photograph;
Lens: sigma 18-200 @ 200mm, Aperture: F.8, Shutter Speed 1/800, ISO: 800.
This is my general setup for my camera when I am out photographing wildlife but obviously I vary shutter speed and ISO dependent on the lighting.
Once I had taken the picture I uploaded it into Photobucket, here changed the picture to a pop art setting and famed it.
My inspiration for this photo came not long back when I was cleaning out an old school back and for some of my year 11 art work, were I studied Andy Warhol, so I wanted to see if I could use one of my pictures to create a Warhol-esk piece of work,
Thank for look, Happy Days and Happy Snapping.
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