Thursday 19 August 2010

All Hot And Not So Bothered...

This shot was taken whilst walking around the garden of our villa, I saw this beautiful little Glanville Fritillary come and land on a near by flower, I took a quick record shot so that I could ID it on later inspection expecting it so fly off but it didn't, it just sat there, had a little drink and then just soaked up the sun, seemingly not bother be the presence or me or my lens.


The technical information of how I took this photograph;
Lens: sigma 18-200 @ 200mm, Aperture: F.6.3, Shutter Speed 1/400. ISO: 800,

After I had taken the picture, I upped the shadow to help define the features and then increased the sharpness to enhance the detail, after this cropped the picture in to make it appear longer and added a black and white frame with rounded edges,

I hope that you like my picture,

Thank you Lee Harrison, Happy Days and Happy Snapping.


Anonymous said...

just love this picture

Anonymous said...

just love this picture